How I Stuck My Foot in my Mouth with this Future Tenant's Mother in Detroit

This is what I saw coming down this street in the City of Detroit to do a home visit for a new tenant who was living with her mother.  I always like to see how they live before I let them live in one of my own Detroit investment properties.  

And on the other side of the street, I saw this.

I was starting to worry, but then I saw where this tenant was living with her mother and my heart sang!  Yes!  She cares about her house and she actually takes care of her flowers.  Not that the daughter will, but hopefully this apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I felt so much compassion for this family who lived on a street full of abandoned houses and an abandoned apartment building.  They were literally the last house standing.  

Then I started feeling really good about myself that I was able to move this adult daughter from this horrible area into one of our thriving neighborhoods where all the lawns are kept and there are people for neighbors, not rats and packs of dogs and thugs who must hide out in these houses.  

The more I thought about it, the more I decided I'd better not tell my husband what a scary neighborhood I just put myself in today!  

That's when I opened my big mouth and I said to the mother how she must feel great that her daughter is moving to our house and getting away from here.  "I mean, gosh, these houses are all abandoned.  You must live in perpetual fear."

The mother looked at me and patted my shaking knee and said, "Oh, honey, not at all.  It's never been so peaceful in all my life.  I'm so proud to be the last house standing on this block."  

When you hear Detroit described as a city full of people with GRIT, that right there is WHY!

And I'm sorry to report, the daughter has none of her mother's green thumb.  But the grass is at least cut!

If you're looking for a property manager who speaks her mind, for better or worse, you found her!  Give me a call and I will let you know the value of investing in Detroit.  248-390-3982.